Analysis of the Business Environment

General Support

Learn more about PPC INC

Phoenix Paths Consulting, Inc. was founded in 2016 in Colorado Springs, CO with the purpose of providing business consulting to United States companies that are looking to conduct their business activities in Latin America.  PPC INC has established contacts throughout most of Latin America to launch a variety of traditional and asymmetrical activities. PPC INC is also in a position to fully support those companies in Latin America who want to do business within the United States.

Business Consulting 

Our services include, but are not limited to, provide organizational and logistical support to our clients across Latin America, equipment acquisition as needed, provide import/export services and maintenance/sustainment when required. PPC INC creates the necessary networks and points of contacts in Latin America and throughout the United States in order to effectively meet our clients' needs. 

​​​​Phoenix Paths Consulting, Inc.

We identify market opportunities for our clients accompanied with a comprehensive plan to grow, while mitigating risks in terms of market share, political resistance, and physical risk to infrastructure and personnel. 

Our consultants and advisors have more than 46 years of experience working in Latin America and across the United States which has permitted them to develop a unique vision and knowledge of the socio-cultural, economic, geopolitical and security environment of the region.  Moreover, they have developed a comprehensive network of contacts throughout the region that provide a wealth of knowledge and experience to assist our clients.